How to avoid burnout as a business owner


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How to avoid burnout as a business owner 

(in a 3 minute read)

I started this newsletter because quite frankly entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey.

If you’re stepping away from the comfort blanket of your traditional career, then there’s a good chance you’re entering a world where you don’t know anyone and possibly have limited experience.

I remember feeling very isolated when I started.

Then came the stress and overwhelm.

And to be honest the only thing that helped was hearing from other entrepreneurs about how they navigated the same experience.

So that’s what I’m sharing with you today.

The 5 things that have helped me on my journey.

It’s a massive headstart if you can get these right from the start.

  1. Support network

You can’t go at it alone.

You’ll experience highs and quite a few lows during the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey.

So what’s important?


Who are you going to vent to?

Who are you going to share your fears with?

Who are you going to share your ideas with?

Who is going to help with your dependents (if you have a child or elderly parents)?

Building the right support network will help you avoid a lot of mental strain.

  1. Systems

When you’re building your business it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with all the tasks.

You’re learning so many new things.

You have to implement so many new things.

You have to find some way to keep everything ticking along.

Creating an effective system is the only way to do what you need to do at the level you need to do it.

I’ve come to learn that the best systems do not separate your personal and professional lives but rather intertwine the two.

For example:

06.30-09.00 I look after my son before taking him to nursery. In that time I take 20 minutes whilst he’s playing to engage on social media.

I do the same thing on the walk to pick him up.

  1. Focus

Focus is one of the hardest things to do when you transition from a regimented corporate role to your own business.

Weirdly, having nobody to tell you what to do, after what feels like years of oppression 🤣 can cause you to go too far the other way.

Exercising when you want.

Waking when you want (pre-kids).

Working when you want.

All great but you need to know when and how to focus.

Sitting down at a desk for 8 straight hours is not my vibe. And also yield poor results.

I now work in an area where I need to get into flow to do my best work.

Finding the time of day that works best for you is important and then creating the right environment for it to happen is important too.

  1. Boundaries

Entrepreneurship is more about will than it is about intellect.

Your mindset plays a huge part in whether you are successful.

As such, you need to be super mindful of what you allow to impact you mentally.

And therefore that means screening who you let into your space.

Who do you engage with regularly?

What do you chat about when you do?

What content do you consume daily?

You need to put guardrails on what you allow to impact you mentally and that potentially means cutting some people off or reducing your interactions.

Debbie downers aren’t good for the soul.

  1. Sacrifice

I’ve never achieved anything worthwhile in life without some sort of sacrifice.

The truth is.

If you’re embarking on a new journey and trying to build a business, what you’ve done so far won’t get you to where you’re trying to go.

It’s uncharted territory.

This doesn’t necessarily mean drastic action, but you need to create the space and time to commit to your business.

That’s the only way it can stand a chance in the early days.


If you’re at the start of your journey.

Firstly, congratulations.

Most don’t even get to this stage.

They’re not reading or learning or doing.

They’re just wishing.

Your journey ahead will be challenging.

But with the right approach, you have all the tools to be successful.

And hopefully, I can help along the way.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Personalised 1:1 coaching: Brainstorm your ideas, validate their worth and launch your business. Faster. A 1-1 coaching program tailored to your individual needs.

2. Laser session: Laser focused deep dive on a specific business challenge you’re experiencing. For those that just need a push in the right direction.

3. Launch 30: SIgnature 30 day accelerator for parents that want to build a side hustle but lack the time.

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That’s all from me.

See you next week.

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